Cuphead DLC: How to beat Mortimer Freeze

Cuphead DLC: How to beat Mortimer Freeze
Cuphead DLC: How to beat Mortimer Freeze

All of Cuphead's bosses: The Delectable Last Course DLC has some cunning plans, but Mortimer Freeze actually employs magic. Be prepared for a slew of icy assaults. You'll be able to defrost this particularly unpleasant boss if you're quick and diligent. Here are some strategies for defeating Mortimer Freeze in

Mortimer Freeze – Phase 1

The magician Mortimer has a lot of attacks in the opening phase. He will initially release four tiny ice creatures from his cape. Make sure to sidestep these as they fall to the ground in a diagonal route. They will eventually emerge from the snow and move across the screen, but if you act quickly, you can shoot them before they appear. Second, Mortimer is capable of slamming a whole whale to the ground in front of him. When he rears back, make a quick exit because this melee strike has a broad spread. Any small ice creatures it strikes will also be cleared away. He can even send you some sluggish playing cards as a final option. These occupy a considerable chunk of the screen, however frequently one of them spawns in the color pink, allowing you to parry it.

Mortimer Freeze – Phase 2

For the second phase, Mortimer will change into a snowman and have more moves. Make sure to hop over his snowball body because he can first roll straight across the screen. If Mortimer leans back, it's coming, and you'll know it. He'll make the identical action, but in an arc above you, if you hear a spring noise. Keep your feet on the ground to avoid being hit. Finally, he might throw down his first and launch a snowball. Actually, there is no harm done by this; what you need to watch out for is the follow-up. After the impact, three swords will emerge from the snow. Be sure to move aside when you see them emerging as they always appear at the same interval and distance apart.

This snowman also has the ability to change into a refrigerator, which has a unique set of attacks. It can first open its doors and spew forth ice cubes that break into smaller cubes before melting away. Until they are completely gone, make sure to keep ducking. Also possible are flying popsicles. These can be shot out of the air, but keep an eye out for the odd pink one that you can parry (it must be strawberry-flavored).

Mortimer Freeze – Phase 3

Leap up the floating platforms to begin the last phase, which is in the air. In the last stretch, take care not to lose your footing. In his snowflake form, Mortimer only possesses three attacks, yet they are all challenging. He will project an eyeball that moves around the screen for the first. You'll need to understand the rhythm so that you can jump over it when the energy beams are down because it will release them at a regular pulse. Second, Mortimer has the ability to spit up several buckets, usually one of which is pink. When one of these hits the edge of the screen, it explodes into a cluster of little moons, so avoid it and be prepared to avoid it again. Finally, Mortimer's ghost might briefly spin around the screen before unleashing a hail of ice cream cones. As they move across the screen, be prepared to leap to safety.

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